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BYLAW NO. 4-2017




The Council of the Village of Neville, in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:


1.         This Bylaw may be referenced as “The Animal Ownership Bylaw“.


2.         For the purpose of this bylaw, the expression:


  • adult animal is any animal over the age of three (3) months;

  • cattery shall mean a place where cats are bred or looked after;

  • domesticated shall mean to accustom animals to live near the habitation of       humans; to tame;

  • dovecote shall mean a structure for housing pigeons;

  • even-toed hoofed mammals shall mean mammals having reduced number of   functional toes and that rest their weight equally on the third and fourth       toes of             each foot. Examples include, but are not restricted to, pigs, deer,        cattle, antelope, camels, llamas, sheep, goats, giraffes;

  • fur farm shall mean a place where animals are bred for fur;

  • kennel shall mean a breeding or boarding establishment for dogs;

  • odd-toed hoofed mammals shall mean mammals having a reduced number of toes, each encased in a protective horny sheath or hoof, and the weight is    carried mainly by the middle digit of each foot. Examples include, but are    not restricted to, horses, asses, mules, zebras, tapirs, rhinoceroses;

  • poultry shall mean domesticated birds kept for eggs or meat. Examples            include, but are not restricted to, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail,        guinea, fowl, pheasants, pigeons, ostriches;

  • Municipality shall mean the Village of Neville

  • rodent shall mean a mammal with strong incisors and no canine teeth. Examples include, but are not restricted to, rabbits, chinchilla.


3.         No person shall herd even-toed or odd-toed hoofed mammals at any time within   the limits of the Municipality.


4.         No person shall graze even-toed or odd-toed hoofed mammals at any time within the limits of the Municipality.


5.         No person shall keep all animals listed in #2 at any time within the limits of the      Municipality.


6.         No person shall keep more than two (2) adults of any acceptable species.


7.         No animal shall be kept on an uninhabited property.


8.         Any person found guilty of an infraction of any of the provisions of this bylaw      shall be liable to the penalties provided in the General Penalty Bylaw # 2-2008.



Village of Neville                                            ________________________









Read a third time and adopted this __th day of _____, 20__


Bylaw No. 3-2008 is hereby repealed.

© 2024 by Village of Neville

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