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BYLAW NO. 8-2018



The Council of the Village of Neville, in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:

1.         Due Date

            Property and other taxes imposed by the Village of Neville are deemed to be             imposed on the first day of January in each year and shall be due on December 31.


2.         Penalty and Arrears of Taxes

            a)         Taxes which remain unpaid after the 31st day of December of the year in                                          which they are levied shall be subject to penalty.

            b)         The method of calculating the penalty shall be a simple rate of 13% yearly,                           added on Jan 1st and applied to total taxes as of Jan 1st.

            c)         The penalty charges are to be added to and form part of the tax roll.

3.         Incentive Program - Prompt Payment

            a)         Discounts shall be allowed from the time the notice of the levy is sent until                           November 30 to encourage prompt payment of the current year’s taxes.                    b)         Payment of current taxes received:

            - during the month of August shall be eligible for a discount of 5% of the amount paid;

- during the month of September shall be eligible for a discount of 4% of the amount              paid;

            - during the month of October shall be eligible for a discount of 3% of the amount paid;

- during the month of November shall be eligible for a discount of 2% of the amount paid.

4.         Incentive Program - Prepayments

            a)         From January 1 until July 31, discounts shall be allowed with respect to the                           prepayment of the current year’s taxes on property.

            b)         the rate of discount relative to prepayment of taxes shall be 5%.

5.         Education Property Taxes

      Sections 3, 4, do not apply to property taxes levied on behalf of a school division.

6.         Repeal Previous Incentive and /or Penalty Programs

            Bylaw Number 4-12 is hereby repealed

7.         Coming Into Force

            This bylaw comes into force and effect on the date of the final passing thereof.


Village of Neville                                            ________________________







Read a third time and adopted this 10TH day of December 2018



Certified a true copy

© 2025 by Village of Neville

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